Password/Hashes Crack Send us your hashes here. We support MD5, NTLM, LM, MYSQL, SHA1, PHPass and OSX; see full hash acceptance list here. For other algorithm (VBulletin, Unix, Salted, etc): contact us! Want to know what's next? MD5 hashes are commonly used with smaller strings when storing passwords, credit card numbers or other sensitive data in databases such as the popular MySQL. This tool provides a quick and easy way to encode an MD5 hash from a simple string of up to 256 characters in length. OnlineHashCrack is a powerful hash cracking and recovery online service for MD5 NTLM Wordpress Joomla SHA1 MySQL OSX WPA and more! How to crack MYSQL hashes depending on the version. Prior to MySQL v4.1, password hashes computed by the PASSWORD(). OnlineHashCrack is a powerful hash cracking and recovery online service for MD5 NTLM Wordpress Joomla SHA1 MySQL OSX WPA and more! HOME; PASSWORD RECOVERY. Hashes, WPA, Office, iTunes,. Hashes (MD5, NTLM, SHA.) Submit your hashes. Hash generator. Hash identification. Password Statistics. Wifi WPA dump. Online Hash Crack is an online.

Online hash decryption and encryption, hash cracking website, md5 cracker, sha1 cracker, ntlm cracker - Homepage. HashKiller relies on donations so please donate! HashKiller's purpose is to serve as a meeting place for computer hobbyists, security researchers and penetration testers. WPA Crack / Hash a Password /. Ideally, cracking a hash should not be easier than brute-force. SHA1 is also considered easier to crack than guessing the password by brute-force. I actually contributed a patch to MySQL to surface the SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 functions from OpenSSL. These are recommended by NIST for password hashing (actually SHA256 and higher).

I've seen a lot of topics about hashing and salting a password and then comparing them with the hash and salt in a MySQL database, however none of them really helped.

They were either really 'vague' or not in the right coding language.

I am coding in Visual Basic.

So, I'm using a Forum Software called 'MyBB' and it encrypts the user's password to a MD5 Hash and generates a salt alongside it.

I have successfully connected to the MySQL database and I'm able to login with my application using the Username, however because I haven't yet hashed the password and salted it then compared the two. I'm unable to login using my original password - instead I have to use the MD5 hahsed password from the database.

My question is:How do you Hash the password then salt it and then compare it the two so that I'm able to login using my original password without having to use the MD5 hash from the database?

Any help would be appreciated.

I have searched and read numerous amounts of topics, however none of them provided how to do it. It briefly mentioned you need to hash it and salt the password then compare the two, however it didn't provide any code or steps of how to do it. Also there is little topics on doing this in Visual basic. Most of them are for php and c# which is not helpful when you don't primarily code in those languages.

Active3 years, 6 months ago

I have a user table in my mysql database that has a password column. Currently, I use the MD5 algorithm to hash the users' password for storage in the database. Now I like to think that I am a security conscience person. I noticed while reading the MySQL docs that they don't recommend MD5 or the SHA/SHA1 hashing methods, but don't offer an alternative.

What would be the best way to hash my passwords in MySQL? A function that is natively supported in both PHP and MySQL would be ideal and necessary with my current implementation.


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5 Answers

It's not necessarily that you shouldn't use MD5, as much it's that you shouldn't use just MD5, as this leaves you vulnerable to rainbow-table attacks (a rainbow table is a table of precomputed hash values - if your password is even remotely common or simple, the attacker needs merely to look up the hash and he knows your plaintext password.)

At the very least you should add a salt to every password so that any existing rainbow table is useless, forcing the attacker to generate an entire new rainbow table just for your database of passwords.

Better still is to use a different salt for every password in your database, say the username it's associated with, so that an attacker can't even generate a rainbow table for your whole database and has to crack each entry separately.

MD5 is also a very fast algorithm. Speed is the enemy when it comes to cracking - the longer it takes to generate a hash, the longer it takes for each attempt a hacker makes. Something simple like hashing the plaintext 100 times with a new additional salt each time would be barely perceptible (if at all) to a user logging in to your site, but it would increase the time it takes to brute-force a password by the same 100 times.

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Far, far more detail here:


MD5 is considered to be weak by today's standards. It would still take some work to crack a hash made with MD5, but it's several times easier than guessing the password by brute-force. Ideally, cracking a hash should not be easier than brute-force.

SHA1 is also considered easier to crack than guessing the password by brute-force.

I actually contributed a patch to MySQL to surface the SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 functions from OpenSSL. These are recommended by NIST for password hashing (actually SHA256 and higher).

Mysql User Password

My patch was finished by MySQL engineers, and is included in MySQL 6.0.5 and later, if I recall.

If you use an earlier version of MySQL (and who doesn't), then you can probably use an implementation of strong hashing functions in your host language. PHP has the hash() function for example. You can do the hashing in your application and save the resulting message string to the database.

Don't forget to do salting, too!

Bill KarwinBill Karwin
399k67 gold badges545 silver badges697 bronze badges

This question is 7 years old. In that time we have progressed in computing to where MD5 and SHA1 are now easily broken by modern computers. These should be avoided now.

With PHP 5.5 came the introduction of password_hash, which uses the far more secure bcrypt algorithm. While MySQL can encrypt/decrypt bcrypt, it's a terrible solution because you're not only adding a potentially large computation load to your database layer, but the unhashed password could be stored in your logs

Under no circumstances should a plain text password hit MySQL, even if at the query level. Otherwise you risk writing the passwords to log (query log, general log, slow query log, etc). Which is horrific. So no, don't even bother..

25.3k15 gold badges63 silver badges83 bronze badges

MD5 and SHA-1 probably aren't recommended anymore due to know attacks. But, they're still generally sufficient for most use cases.

Mysql Hash Password

If you're looking for more options, just use PHP's hash functions -- you've got plenty of options there.

Jonathan LonowskiJonathan Lonowski
97.5k28 gold badges176 silver badges186 bronze badges

Mysql Password Hash

I am using a combination. For example SHA1(MD5()) is working fine.

How To Set Mysql Password

Björn SchönrockBjörn Schönrock

How To Crack Mysql Password

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